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Dear members of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Italian Club (CCLC)

it is possible renew the membership fee for the year 2022 using the same methods as in previous years;

Bank transfer :

Beneficiary: Club Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco

Purpose of the transfer: Rinnovo tesseramento “nome” “cognome”

IBAN: IT 14 V 05387 77781 000035026867

Account held to: Club Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco

BPER BANCA S.p.A. Via della Libertà 27/31 – 66026 – Ortona (CH)

The amount of the card is:
Ordinary member: € 38.00 Supporting member: € 77.00 .

Those who have made the transfer or the payment for the renewal fee are reminded to send the payment receipt to

New members

It is possible to become a member of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Italian Club by sending the application, which can be downloaded here, at the following email address together with the privacy form and a copy of the payment of the membership fee.
The application must be completed in its entirety and accompanied by the signature of two club members.

Bank transfer :

Beneficiary: Club Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco

Purpose of the transfer: Rinnovo tesseramento “nome” “cognome”

IBAN: IT 14 V 05387 77781 000035026867

Account held to: Club Cane Lupo Cecoslovacco

BPER BANCA S.p.A. Via della Libertà 27/31 – 66026 – Ortona (CH)

The amount of the card is:
Ordinary member: € 38.00 Supporting member: € 77.00 .